Alliance Office of Statistics - EDAOS

Privacy Policy

Information that I collect

  • Your Discord ID, Username, and Discrimnator
  • Your CMDR name and Alt's which are atrributed to your Linked Discord ID via API Key
  • Your Elite Dangerous Journal
  • Your ship status, location and game mode
  • Every Journal Message as and when it is written

Information I relay to Seniors

  • Filtered information collected from your Journal

Information I relay to other Players

Nothing at this time. Their may be a Wing compoenent added at some point

Information that I have

Your IP address is passivly logged into access logs and is not linked directly to journal or your Discord ID

Journal records (and thus your current game status and location) is linked with your Discord ID and CMDR name

Journals relayed maybe collected by the server for testing/replay purposes to improve the application.

Information I share with third parties

Website: Nothing. I do not even have Google Analytics installed!

Application: minimal data is shared with Bugsnag, whom handle Crash Reports/Analytics

When you fill in a Act/Fact/Scouting Powerplay Form, that information is currently entered into Discord and Google Sheets, just like performing the same in the #spreadsheet Discord Channel

Journal Data

Journal data provides me with the following information, including but not limited to:

  • Current Location, System, Body/Station
  • Current Game Mode
  • Messages sent by and to you and other commanders
  • Current Ship health
  • Current Accepted Missions
  • Mission complete/failiure status
  • Information about NPC's and/or CMDR's you kill or are killed by
  • Basically ANYTHING that appears on screen we have a record for